Bees & Bones Collection
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Seasonal Offerings

Limited numbers available to purchase in your choice of size and fabric

  1. Petal Pusher Pants

    Orders open April 10th at noon.

    2. Gallipoli Blouse and Dress, Petal Pusher Pants

    Orders open May 16th at noon.

Gallipoli Blouse billowing bold and brass. Gallipoli Dress a trumpeting feminine melody.

Gallipoli Blouse billowing bold and brass. Gallipoli Dress a trumpeting feminine melody.


Petal like a flopsy flower upside down, pedal like you’re on a bike pumping fast and your pants are tickling your gears and ankle bones.

Petal like a flopsy flower upside down, pedal like you’re on a bike pumping fast and your pants are tickling your gears and ankle bones.